When it’s Okay to Say No—and How to Say It

We all have at least one friend who can’t say no. She rushes around, burning through her own energy reserves to help others reach their goals. In the meantime, her own ambitions gather dust. The desire to help others may be a noble attribute, but if taken to unhealthy levels, it can also cause unnecessary […]

New Year’s Resolutions: Take a Different Approach

Now that the holiday season is over and 2015 is upon us, you may discover that following through on your new year’s resolutions is more challenging that you anticipated. Reaching an important goal or making a significant life change is never an easy task, but it can be well worth the effort. So, if you’re […]

4 Ways to Process Loneliness During the Holidays

The winter holidays can be a time of joy and togetherness, but for many, the season can bring grief far more intense than any other time of the year. Those of us who have lost family or friends (particularly during this time) may view the holidays as a reminder of what’s been lost. And our culture’s […]

Giving Back: Five Ways to Make a Difference This Holiday Season

As you prepare for the holidays, tackling a daunting shopping list may be your primary focus. While it’s true that giving and receiving gifts brings families and friends closer together, it’s also important to remember that many charities rely on the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas for the lion’s share of their annual donations. Countless […]

Shedding the Stress of Black Friday

As the holiday season quickly approaches, many people feel overwhelmed by the mountain of tasks that pile up—scheduling trips, finding the perfect presents for the kids (or the in-laws), holding on to favorite traditions—all while trying to keep up with work and other daily commitments. Lately, it all begins with Black Friday, the official start […]

What Discipline Really Means – 3 Methods of Instructing Our Children

Thanks to news coverage of occurrences like the Adrian Peterson case, child discipline and corporal punishment are at the forefront of national conversation lately. To be clear, the abuse that Peterson leveled on his four-year-old son in no way fits the definition of ‘discipline.’ But as more people discuss spanking and child discipline, a consideration […]

Haunted Houses and Zombie Parades

The other day I watched a segment on The Today Show about inappropriate Halloween costumes for children. It featured everything from a baby dressed as a cigarette to an older child in a pimp outfit. I like to think most parents are making better decisions than that when it comes to selecting Halloween gear for […]

A Case of the Blues Could Mean Different Things for Men and Women

You’ve heard the saying: Men are from Mars, and women are from Venus. When author John Gray first introduced this idea, we learned about the differences between men  and women and how these differences can affect our relationships. Some of these same traits may also reveal a great deal about how men and women experience  […]

Depression In Teens – What You Need To Know

  In a recent post, I talked about ways to help a friend or loved one who may be suffering from depression. When that loved one is a teenager or young adult, however, the warning signs, diagnosis and treatment options are often different. It is estimated that depression affects roughly 11 percent of teenagers. Although […]

New School Year, New Problems

In a recent interview, I discussed some of the issues associated with back-to-school anxiety. Now that the new school year is upon us, many parents are witnessing this anxiety as their children adjust to new surroundings. It’s not uncommon for any child, regardless of his grade level, academic ability or social demeanor, to experience challenges […]