6 Ways to Cope with Political Stress

Politics! For some people, the mere mention of the word makes them shudder. But with presidential debates that sound like shouting matches and a primary season that feels like it’s been going on forever, it’s no wonder most of us are growing weary. It’s also no surprise that many of us are experiencing higher than […]

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month: What Parents Should Know

Not surprisingly, the entire month of February has been designated Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. Considering that one in five high school girls has been physically or sexually abused by a dating partner, it is clearly a problem that needs to be addressed. Creating awareness is a necessary first step in that process. While many […]

Helping Young Children Deal With Traumatic Images

It’s easy to assume that we live in a time period that is far more dangerous, tense and violent than it’s ever been. Every day seems to bring a new horror—the fallout from wars, mass shootings, and acts of terrorism—all broadcast in hi-def across our media platforms. And while the reality of that unprecedented danger […]

4 Ways to Express Gratitude This Thanksgiving

The stores may be prematurely crammed with holiday decorations and Christmas music, but there’s still time to focus on Thanksgiving and give thanks. In fact, expressing gratitude can provide many hidden benefits, beginning with the fact that you naturally encourage others when you do it. But expressing gratitude offers some additional benefits for you as well, […]

The Times Are Changing

Coping with the Winter Months Daylight Savings Time is behind us, and while you may have consciously accepted the shorter hours of sunlight as an irritating fact of life, your body (and mind) may not yet be on board. Adjusting to the winter schedule can take a toll on both your physical and mental health. […]

What Makes a Bully

Bullying—both physical and emotional—can leave lasting psychological scars on the victim, placing that person at an increased risk for substance abuse, depression, academic problems and violence later in life, according to the Center for Disease Control. October is Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, and throughout the month we’ve been talking about the victims of bullying. Now […]

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Perhaps you’ve already seen purple ribbons on display in public and on Facebook profiles this month. That’s because October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The ribbons are being used to draw attention to a problem that often goes unspoken, yet that plagues millions in our country each year. In addition to the physical violence […]

7 Tips to End the Homework Drama in Your House

The end of September is quickly approaching, and the school year is in full swing. For many households, that means dealing with the daily homework grind. Unfortunately, many children view homework as punishment rather than an opportunity to reinforce what they’ve learned at school, and this could trigger a power struggle between you and your […]

It’s Not Okay

Teach Your Children What to Do If They Witness Bullying It’s sad to say, but bullying is on the rise in America, and it can affect your children both directly and indirectly. Truth is, research indicates that students who witness bullying may be even more psychologically affected by it than the individuals who are directly […]

When Your Child Hates School

It’s that time of year again. Dozens of first-day-of-school photos are filling your Facebook newsfeed, proof that another new school year is underway. And while it may be fun to see all the smiling faces, it will soon be time to get down to some serious learning. The joy of a shiny new lunchbox or […]