Adjusting to Life after Divorce

Maybe divorce was not what you expected in life. On the other hand, maybe you’re relieved that your marriage is over. Circumstances vary, so divorce can mean very different things to different people. Even if you’re not grieving, divorce typically results in a major life transition. And if you have children, it can be a […]

Give Your Mental Health a Post-Pandemic Reboot

Like many, you may have emerged from the pandemic feeling a bit wounded. Maybe you lost a job—or even a loved one. Or maybe you experienced feelings of extreme sadness, loneliness, and isolation. Mental health issues are at record high levels, prompting many experts to warn that the U.S. may be in the midst of […]

ADHD: It’s not just for kids!

Over the past few decades, much of the conversation surrounding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been in the context of young children and teens. As it turns out, however, many adults suffer with the same disorder. They just aren’t aware of it. They only know that navigating life and everyday tasks can sometimes be […]

Are you experiencing parenting burnout?

If you’re like many working parents these days, there’s a good chance you’ve been facing some unprecedented parenting challenges throughout the pandemic. From school closings and lack of childcare to entire families working, learning and playing under the same roof, it could be argued that parenting has never been more demanding. Like many parents, you […]

Talking with Children and Teens about Hate Crimes

As Americans grapple with the recent racially motivated mass shooting in Buffalo, parents may be wondering how to talk with their kids about the incident—and about hate crimes in general. It’s important to help children understand what happened, address their concerns and fears, and maybe even take action to safely and effectively challenge the hate. […]

Ask Dr. Lowenstein: Can listening to music improve your mood?

You’re driving to work when one of your favorite songs starts playing on the radio. Almost immediately, you notice an uptick in your mood. This may be something everyone can relate to, but few of us understand the reason behind it.   Turns out, listening to music actually boosts dopamine production in the brain. And […]

How the News Affects Your Mental Health –and What to Do About It

The last few years have been challenging. From the pandemic to the war in Ukraine, it feels like every day brings a constant barrage of bad news. To make matters worse, the 24-hour news cycle is designed to attract readers and viewers with the most sensational stories, and social media continues to be a forum […]

6 Tips to Help You Adjust to Retirement

For years you’ve dreamed about a time when you can turn in your work badge and spend your days free from the worries and stressors of a fulltime job. During the pandemic, that’s exactly what many baby boomers decided to do. According to recent research, more than 3 million Americans retired early because of the […]

How to talk to your kids about war

It’s been a tough couple of years for everyone, and your children have certainly not been immune to the challenges. There’s a good chance kids and teens will be experiencing the effects of the pandemic for years to come. Now, just as it feels like life could be getting back to normal, war breaks out […]

Got friends?

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we need people in our lives. Friends and family are vital to our well-being and essential for navigating life’s challenges, including illness, grief, unemployment and, yes, even a pandemic. With that in mind, here are some important reasons to nurture the friendships in your life as […]