Discover the Many Benefits of Traveling Alone
When the first signs of spring arrive, many people start making travel plans for the warm-weather months. There’s just something about sunny skies and a break in the weather that make vacation planning top of mind. If you’re recently divorced, however, you may be wondering what vacations will look like without the company of your […]
Curb Your Tendency to Overreact
Perhaps life has gotten especially busy, and suddenly you find yourself overreacting to things that you once easily ignored or dismissed. Or maybe you’re more inclined to overreact in certain situations or with certain people. It’s also possible that you could be overreacting more now than you did in the past. Whatever the case, almost […]
Dating After Divorce: Are You Ready?
After another trip around the sun, Valentine’s Day is here once again. Depending on your current romantic situation, that could be good news–or bad. Sure, it’s a “Hallmark holiday”, and to some extent it can be easily ignored. But if you’re recently divorced or in the process of a divorce, this Valentine’s Day may look […]
Should You Be Worried About Your Child’s Social Media Behavior?
In a recent interview with Kennedy Chase at Spectrum News 1 Ohio about the Social Media Parental Notification Act, we talked about whether parents should be concerned about the time their child spends on social media. The short answer is yes. That’s the reason behind legislation that was scheduled to go into effect on January […]
More Americans are Staying Single
It’s the beginning of a new year, and with it comes no shortage of statistics about the year we’ve left behind. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks, it’s likely you’ve been bombarded with more than just a few of them. One finding that recently caught my attention stated that […]
New Year’s Resolution 2024: Take Care of Your Mental Health
The holidays have come and gone, and now it’s time to focus on the New Year. For many people, that means establishing some resolutions (also known as personal decisions to do something or not to do something). Often, the focus is on losing weight, spending more time at the gym, or reaching a new sales […]
Divorce and Child Custody: How to Put Your Child First
In the latest season of The Crown, there’s a scene in which Prince Charles comments that he and Princess Diana, despite being divorced, are actually getting along quite well. In a tender moment, he admits to Diana that although their marriage did not go well, he hopes they can do much better when it comes […]
Giving Back is Good for Your Mental Health
A friend of mine (we’ll call her Becky for now) prepares meals for the homeless. Every other Sunday she drives her SUV to a nearby homeless camp, opens up the back of her vehicle, and feeds as many people as she can with the soups and sandwiches she made the day before. What I notice […]
Is Your Marriage Over?
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been married four years or four decades. You might still be struggling with the decision to end your marriage. The indecisiveness can be overwhelming, so much so that it could leave you in a state of paralysis. But choosing to do nothing is not an option because no one wants […]
Talking with Your Kids about War and Violence
Sometimes it feels like the world is coming apart at the seams. This has certainly been the case in recent weeks. From the wars between Israel and Hamas and Russia and Ukraine to a mass shooting in rural Maine, there is seemingly no end to the violence that makes its way onto our television screens, […]