It’s Not Okay

Teach Your Children What to Do If They Witness Bullying It’s sad to say, but bullying is on the rise in America, and it can affect your children both directly and indirectly. Truth is, research indicates that students who witness bullying may be even more psychologically affected by it than the individuals who are directly […]

When Your Child Hates School

It’s that time of year again. Dozens of first-day-of-school photos are filling your Facebook newsfeed, proof that another new school year is underway. And while it may be fun to see all the smiling faces, it will soon be time to get down to some serious learning. The joy of a shiny new lunchbox or […]

Moving On Up

Help your child navigate the early days of middle school and high school by providing emotional support Transitions can be emotionally challenging at any stage of life. But few are as daunting or overwhelming as starting middle school or high school. This is not only a period of tremendous change, but it typically takes place […]

Addressing Depression as You Age

It would be insulting to make the assumption that aging, in and of itself, causes depression. But growing old can bring with it challenges and hardships not present in other times of our lives, and studies indicate there may be a connection between a decrease in folate concentration (associated with aging) and depression, dementia and […]

Caught in the Middle: Managing Stress While Caring for Aging Parents

If you’re caring for aging parents while trying to raise a family, your life might feel like a pint glass trying to hold a gallon of water. It never seems like there are enough hours in the day to provide your elderly parents the help they need, attend to your children, work hard enough to […]