Road Rage, We’ve All Been There

You’re running late for work, the freeway is jammed with traffic and the person in the next lane just cut you off. Like many folks, your natural inclination might be to curse at them (because they can obviously hear you) or use an inappropriate gesture (because that will teach them a lesson). While seemingly harmless, […]

Workplace Bullying – What to Know and How to Stop It

In my most recent post, I discussed the complexities surrounding workplace bullying and how it affects organizations as a whole. Today, I’d like to talk about specific ways to identify, prevent and deal with this sensitive and often misunderstood problem. Step 1: Houston, we have a problem. Workplace bullying is on the rise. To understand […]

Bullying: Not Just a Schoolyard Problem

Bullying is a big problem, and just about everybody knows it. But while most of the attention is focused on bullying among young people, it’s important to realize that the problem is also prevalent in the adult workplace. In 2014, the Workplace Bullying Institute conducted a workplace bullying survey, and 27 percent of those surveyed […]

Understanding and Dealing with Your Child’s Temper Tantrums

As a parent, few things are more unsettling than dealing with your child’s temper tantrum. From whining and crying to kicking and screaming, this upheaval of emotions is chaotic at best. Although this can be an ordinary rite of passage from the toddler years to a time when a child’s language and reasoning skills mature, […]

Finding Your Way Back to Normal

When it comes to politics, one thing is certain: This country has been on a wild ride for the last several months. The election is over, but we continue to be presented with a roller coaster of events. And now that a new president is in the Oval Office, many people are expressing their support—or […]

It’s February—Time to Strengthen Your Relationship

In my recent Valentine’s Day video, I encouraged people to take a little time to really look at the relationship they have with their spouse or partner. Do you spend time connecting with your partner every day? Do you communicate on a regular basis? The overarching goal of this communication is to find out what […]

How to Banish a Bad Mood

Bad moods may surface when you’re least expecting them. Although they’re often triggered by events that seem incidental, they can disrupt relationships and negatively impact your daily life. Most bad moods are gone as quickly as they appear, but some of them can stick around for days. Either way, you’d be better off without them. […]

Overcoming Social Anxiety

If you’re a person who feels overly anxious in social situations, you may be breathing a sigh of relief that the holidays are behind you. Social engagements are plentiful during the month of December, and people who experience symptoms of social phobia may consider the holidays an especially challenging time period. Here’s the good news: […]

New Year’s Resolutions: Take a Different Approach

If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to establish some resolutions for the new year. Keep in mind, however, that following through on those resolutions may be more challenging than you anticipated.  Reaching an important goal or making a significant life change is never an easy task, but it can be well […]

Holidays with the Family: Be Realistic About Your Expectations

Holidays and families don’t always go hand in hand, and that’s often because most of us have unrealistic expectations. Let’s face it. Even if Ozzie and Harriet did seem like the ideal family, it was more Hollywood than reality. Truth is, your real-life family tree might look more like the Addams Family than the Nelsons—especially […]