Avoid the stress. Embrace the joy.

For many people, the holidays are often the most stressful time of the year. Whether it’s the hustle and bustle of consumerism, difficult family dynamics, loneliness, anxiety or just general exhaustion, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. And while many aspects of life are beyond your control, there are specific things you can do to help […]

5 ways to make your child less selfish and more thankful this holiday season

In a society driven by rampant consumerism, it can be a challenge to raise children who are appreciative of what they have – especially during the holidays. While we naturally want to make our children happy, satisfying their every whim is counterintuitive and often harmful. Here are five suggestions for scaling back your holiday spending […]

10 tips to help divorced families during the holidays

When divorce or separation occurs in your family, the holidays can be an especially challenging time of year. The following tips are designed to help you and your children navigate this difficult time, embrace your new life and traditions – and create some wonderful memories for years to come.   Create a specific plan so […]

Your midterm election survival guide

At last, the midterm elections have arrived. After months of news coverage, debates, controversy and a barrage of advertisements, we’ll head to the polls tomorrow to cast our votes. If this election has been stressing you out, you’re in good company. The constant negativity and uncompromising views on both sides of the aisle have created […]

The case for healthy eating

October 10 was World Mental Health Day, a yearly reminder of the increased awareness of mental health issues and the undeniable benefits of ongoing research. With that in mind, I decided to devote this blog post to an area of mental health research that is growing in popularity; specifically, the link between food and mood. […]

Helping teens manage stress

We live in a stressful world. From work to home life, everyone deals with some form of stress on a daily basis. It’s worth noting, however, that teen stress appears to be on the rise – and often at an alarming rate. In fact, a recent study by the American Psychological Association reported that teens […]

Empty nest. Full life.

Embracing the new in a time of transition Attention empty nesters: For the past 18 or more years, your life has been consumed with parenting. From midnight feedings and diaper changes, to soccer games, birthday parties, driver education, homecoming, prom and graduation, your attention and focus have been exhausted on your children. Now that they’ve […]

Protecting your teen on the internet

It’s not easy being a teenager, especially with the advancement of technology and our society’s obsession with social media. While many of the issues that teens face today are not new, the additional impact of technology presents challenges that previous generations never dreamed of. It’s important to understand these issues and to know how to […]

Sending your child to college

How to maintain the fine line between independence and over-parenting As a parent, there are few times in life quite as emotional as sending your child to college. In addition to feeling sentimental about the fleeting moments you have left together, you’re likely worried about whether or not he or she is prepared for this […]

Combating back-to-school anxiety

A new school year is about to begin. While this is typically a time of great anticipation and excitement, there’s plenty of nervousness and anxiety to go around as well. Children get the back-to-school jitters for a number of reasons, and the vast majority of them are normal and age-appropriate. With that in mind, here’s […]