The Link between Social Media and Mental Health

Photo: Pixabay Approximately 79 percent of Americans have some type of social media profile, according to 2019 statistics. In fact, estimates indicate that the number of worldwide users reached 2.34 billion, and that figure is expected to grow. While we still know very little about how social media impacts an individual’s behavior and mental health, […]

Graduation Day: A guide for divorced parents

This weekend many colleges and universities will be hosting graduation ceremonies, and for others, high school graduation is right around the corner. Graduation season is officially underway. In most instances, graduation is a happy occasion when families and friends come together to celebrate and applaud the graduate’s accomplishments and wish them well moving forward. But […]

The mental health benefits of an uncluttered life

“Cleanliness is next to godliness.” – John Wesley Spring is in the air, spiking an inner desire among many folks to tidy up their surroundings. That’s good news, especially because cleanliness yields some important mental health benefits, such as decreasing stress and, in some instances, increasing happiness. If spring cleaning is on your mind, now […]

A summer survival guide for divorced parents

In a recent post, I talked about ways to navigate family vacations after a divorce. As a divorced parent, you might face similar challenges during the summer months – especially if both you and your ex work outside the home. It’s good to know you can overcome any challenges with proper communication and an extra […]

What parents can learn from the college admissions scandal

The end of the school year is only weeks away, and that means many seniors are anxiously waiting for college acceptance letters. For the college-bound, this time marks the culmination of years of preparation, from studying for exams to extracurricular activities and so much more. While much of the burden falls on the student – […]

Vacationing with children post-divorce

In addition to divvying up the finances, many couples spend the majority of the divorce process discussing the custody of their children. In most cases, parents create a shared parenting plan that lays out the details of their arrangement. Unfortunately, vacation time – and any time away from school – is often overlooked. It’s much […]

Talking to your child about lockdown drills

Sending a child to school for the first time can be a nerve-racking experience for any parent. Now, in addition to normal concerns such as bullying and separation anxiety, parents are worried about school safety. With active-shooter situations on the rise, teachers and students must regularly participate in lockdown drills. And while these drills are […]

Dating after divorce

Another Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. While this can be an exciting time for many people, it’s often regarded as a painful reminder for others. Too often, divorcees fall into the latter category. If, however, you’re divorced and ready to start dating again – but the entire process seems a bit daunting – […]

Putting an end to procrastination

“Tomorrow: A mythical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement is stored.” We’ve all been there: you’re overwhelmed with a monumental to-do list and not sure where to begin. While incredibly common, procrastination is often more than just simple laziness. In fact, at the root of most procrastination is fear: fear of […]

Beyond divorce

No one stands at the altar and expects to one day get divorced. So when it happens, it becomes a major life event for everyone involved. While the process of getting divorced and starting over is often filled with pain, anger and sadness, it’s important to focus on finding joy. If you’re new to this […]