How Divorced Parents Can Help Their Teen Navigate the College Process

A common mantra for separated or divorced parents is to always put their child’s interests first. This certainly comes into play as the teens of divorced parents embark on their higher education journey. When the time comes to help your teen research, apply and pay for college, it’s important for you and your ex-spouse to […]

Ask Dr. Lowenstein: What can I do today to fight racism?

The American Psychological Association defines racism as “a personal belief in the superiority of one’s race over another,” and institutionalized racism as “a system of assigning value and allocating opportunity based on skin color.” The latter “unfairly privileges some individuals and groups over others and influences social institutions in our legal, educational, and governmental systems.” […]

Divorced and Dating During the Pandemic

It takes time to heal and recover from a divorce. In fact, there’s no set amount of time that determines when you’ll be ready to date again. But even if you’re ready, the pandemic has made it difficult, if not impossible, to connect with other singles. Even now that vaccinations are becoming readily available, you […]

Ask Dr. Lowenstein: What’s the relationship between exercise and mental health?

You’ve heard it said that exercise can improve your mood. But how is that possible when you’re depressed and struggling to get out of bed? Here’s how it works: When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which are a group of hormones, or chemicals. The endorphins activate opioid receptors in the brain, resulting in decreased […]

Enjoying Valentine’s Day Post-Divorce

Valentine’s Day is not often a favorite holiday among single adults, and it can feel particularly lonely for the recently divorced. This time of year may leave you longing for the fairy tale romance seen in advertisements or recalling painful memories with your ex-spouse. Wherever you fall on the spectrum of emotions, don’t let February […]

Recently divorced? These New Year’s resolutions are for you.

If you’re recently divorced, you may be more than ready to put a particularly difficult year in the past and move on with your life. Now is a great time to look to the future with fresh eyes and optimism. Every January offers a clean slate for a brand new year, so consider the following […]

Ask Dr. Lowenstein: How can I be more optimistic?

The last 10 months or so have been difficult for everyone. Yet despite it all, some people naturally manage to remain more optimistic than others. If you’re a glass-is-half-empty type of person, you may need some help to see things on the bright side. Here are some tips for making that a reality. Hang out […]

What You Should Know About Co-parenting Apps

The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for everyone, and families are certainly no exception. In addition to the obvious threat of illness, the pandemic has impacted lives in many ways, from job and income loss to virtual or hybrid schooling. These sudden changes have shattered routines, resulting in adjustments that may be especially challenging for […]

Recovering from the Emotional Upheaval of an Unexpected Divorce

Divorce is difficult for everyone involved, and an unexpected divorce can feel absolutely devastating. But it may be a more common experience than you think. According to the American Psychological Association, 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States go through a divorce. While knowing that many others go through the same pain, […]