Direct from
Dr. Lowenstein

What Can Parents Do To Keep Children Safe?

  1. Remember that the person who abuses a child is to blame for the abuse–not the child!
  2. Know the people who care for your children, including names, phone numbers and addresses.
  3. Be actively involved in your child’s life and carefully supervise his or her activities.
  4. Be sensitive to changes in your child’s behavior or attitude, paying close attention to your own intuition that something isn‘t quite right.
  5. Teach your child to listen to his or her intuition or “gut feeling” and communicate it to you.
  6. Respond to your child’s acknowledgement that he or she doesn’t like someone by asking why—and then listen carefully to the answer.
  7. Teach your child that it’s okay to tell—regardless of who or what is involved.
  8. Talk about safety and sex with your child, using proper names for genitals.
  9. Supervise and establish clear rules and guidelines for your child’s computer use.
  10. Educate yourself by reading, listening and asking.