- Remember that the person who abuses a child is to blame for the abuse–not the child!
- Know the people who care for your children, including names, phone numbers and addresses.
- Be actively involved in your child’s life and carefully supervise his or her activities.
- Be sensitive to changes in your child’s behavior or attitude, paying close attention to your own intuition that something isn‘t quite right.
- Teach your child to listen to his or her intuition or “gut feeling” and communicate it to you.
- Respond to your child’s acknowledgement that he or she doesn’t like someone by asking why—and then listen carefully to the answer.
- Teach your child that it’s okay to tell—regardless of who or what is involved.
- Talk about safety and sex with your child, using proper names for genitals.
- Supervise and establish clear rules and guidelines for your child’s computer use.
- Educate yourself by reading, listening and asking.
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614.443.6155 | 614.444.0432 | Fax: 614.444.1482