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What You Post on Social Media Could Impact Your Divorce

Couples going through a divorce have a lot on their minds. It’s often a long and expensive process to determine the division of assets, alimony, child custody, and child support. It’s also likely to be a very emotional and stressful time for everyone involved.

If you and your spouse are thinking about ending your marriage, the last thing you want to do is further complicate matters. Unfortunately, social media can do just that.

Why it’s best to avoid social media during your divorce

What you post on social media can and likely will be used against you in a divorce case. Even worse, when other people post something about you or tag you, it can be used against you as well. Either way, keep in mind that there are many opportunities to unintentionally hand over evidence that could hurt your case. Maybe it’s a quick complaint about your spouse or the divorce process. Or perhaps a family member tags you while you’re on an expensive cruise. If something appears on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or any other platform that could affect the outcome of your case, there’s a good chance an attorney will find it. 

The safest bet is to avoid social media altogether. However, if you choose to stay active on social media during the divorce process, proceed with caution and keep these tips in mind: 

  • Stay positive. It’s never a good idea to post on social media when you’re upset or angry. It’s not the place to vent or air dirty laundry. Remember that whatever you share is visible to everyone, including your children and the lawyers handling your divorce case, so keep that in mind.  
  • Update privacy settings and passwords. Although you should never assume anything online is truly private, you can provide a certain level of protection by adjusting your privacy settings to the highest level and asking friends and family members not to tag you in their photos and posts. Change the passwords on your social media accounts, and make sure they are strong passwords.
  • Know what topics are off-limits. Do not post anything about your spouse or the divorce process. Even if it doesn’t seem negative, it’s best to completely avoid those subjects. Be cautious about posting any references to your employment, vacations, new relationships, and big purchases. 

The benefit of a social media-free divorce

Deleting your social media accounts, at least until after your divorce is finalized, will help you avoid unnecessary risks that could negatively affect your case. It also allows you more time to focus on your own health and well-being. There are much healthier ways to cope with divorce and find support than going online. Pursue your interests, spend more time with your loved ones, and try journaling as a better outlet for your feelings about the divorce.

Image by Marie from Pixabay

Dr. David Lowenstein is a Columbus, Ohio-based psychologist with more than 35 years of experience. He conducts individual, family, and group therapy sessions in his German Village office and also via telehealth. Dr. Lowenstein is also available for expert forensic testimony, and for educational workshops and presentations. He is frequently called upon as an expert source for print, radio, and broadcast media. Contact Dr. Lowenstein at Lowenstein & Associates, 691 South Fifth Street, Columbus, Ohio, 43206, or call 614.443.6155 or 614.444.0432.